| Things from David Tolpin
- 05/01/2005 RNV updated
A bug in xsd implementation is fixed; base64binaries are now
compared correctly. Added that to the testsuite.
- 19/08/2004 RNV and XX updated
One bug fixed in each; both were easy to fix but in rarely used areas;
I added tests for these cases to my suite.
- 15/06/2004 Zenteq
Since April, I am busy 24 hours per day launching a new team;
all my personal projects are on hold. Hopefully, best of them will continue
to be developed in Zenteq.
- 27/03/2004
RNV and XX
RNV 1.7 — entities expansion is moved out of RNV to XX.
XX 1.1 — initial release; a simple utility to expand entities in XML documents. Based on Expat.
More details in http://ftp.davidashen.net/PreTI/RNV/changes.txt.
XZ XX - XML preprocessor. ARX - Regular Associations for XML.
ARX is included in RNV distribution. RNV - Relax NG Compact Syntax validator in ANSI C.
RNV is a part of PreTI. PreTI -
computer-aided input of structured documents. more to come soon.
- TeXHyphenator-J
Re-implementation of Franklin Liang's
TeX hyphenation algorithm in Java. - XEP - XSL FO Formatter
I spent four years working on RenderX XSL FO Formatter as a coder,
the development team's leader and CTO, all at the same time. This is a commercial product, thus the source code is not available. But a working piece of software is,
and hopefully will be for a rather long time. - Hragir - Armenian webmail
Hragir had been deployed in 1998 and put down
in 2003 after running unattended for a year since I had left the American University of Armenia.
Traces of the original site are archived at www.archive.org.
- pOt - portable Oberon translator
That was a very nice programming experience. Last change had been made in 1994, but I still
use it occasionally for teaching and programming. The source code is self-compiling, and the footprint of the compiler
is tiny by today's merits.
Many others.
Frequently Asked Question
- Who is David Ashen?
I don't care. 'Davida-shen' stands for 'built by David' in Armenian, that is, by me, David Tolpin.
More to come soon.